Marketing your travel agency and your efforts to drum up new travel clients can bet a daunting task. You’re probably used to the standard approaches of marketing, however beginning to steer your focus toward content that is SEO friendly can prove beneficial for all aspects of your agency.
What Exactly is SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is a fancy way of saying that it is a practice for increasing traffic to your website and other online content through organic search engine results.
This can sound likely a pretty expensive process, but in actuality, there are many things you can do to improve your SEO without spending so much as a dime.
And to help, here are four tips to get you started on your SEO journey!
1. Match Your Content Ideas with Searchable Phrases
So you think you have this excellent article post idea etched out about travel in Switzerland, but aren’t sure if it’s precisely what your readers or even people scouring the web are looking for.
Believe it or not, there’s a simple way to find out: Google it!
By doing a simple Google search, you can accomplish two things. The first thing Google will tell you is if your content or topic is something that people have searched for and are interested in reading about. The other thing it can tell you is what keywords or phrases people are using to search for similar content.
2. Type Your Key Terms into Ahrefs
One of the easiest ways to search for keywords and search queries is to use a search tool known as Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer. What sets this search program apart from others is that there are search tabs that allow you to expand your original concept or idea into related terms. For example, the “All Keyword Idea” tab can transform your initial search for “travel to Switzerland” to expanded ideas like “When to travel to Switzerland” or “How to travel to Switzerland.” This can also help give you more insight into new words or ideas you can include in your copy.
3. Determine What Your Competition is Ranking For
After completing a search for your content idea, you’ve probably found at least one page or many search results that are similar. These other sources can be another SEO advantage for you, due to the use of platforms like Serpstat that can help you determine what these related content URLs are ranking for.
That may sound confusing, but let’s break it down. Serpstat shows content creators extra elements that show up every time you put a query in Google. By using these, you can determine what future search engine result pages (SERPS) may look like. By predicting the SERPS, you can determine which keywords can produce the most number of search pages, as well as which queries are more complicated. When looking to find keywords for your content, you’ll want to find terms that have a high search volume and a low keyword difficulty.
4. Display Your Keywords in Prominent Locations
Now that you’ve determined which keywords to include in your content and even your content URL, we need to discuss where to display these keywords. Keyword placement is essential for readers because there is this expectation that upon arriving on your landing page, they should quickly find words that they initially searched for.
Keyword prominence is essential to SEO improvement. You’ll want to incorporate your keywords into your page title and your URL slug. They should also be prevalent in the introductory paragraph of your article or content, as well as in subheadings and image alt text.
While these steps are just the beginning of your SEO journey, they can help draw more eye to your content in almost no time at all. And the best part is they were totally free!
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