Imagine if you owned a shopfront and you had a ton of potential customers coming in your doors but had no idea what they thought of your products.
What did they look at?
What did they touch?
Where in your store did they spend the most amount of time?
How did they get to your store?
How were they in the store?
Had they been in before or was it their first time?
What was the last thing they looked at before they left the store?
Well you can’t really measure that in a shopfront but you can measure that on your website.
Here are some important things you can learn from the analytics reports that Google gives you access to:
- Find out which online campaigns, social media platforms or websites bring the most traffic and conversions.
- Determine where your best visitors are located.
- Learn what people are searching for on your site.
- Visualize what people click on the most.
- Uncover your top content – what your visitors like, and dislike.
- Identify your worst performing pages.
- Determine where people abandon the shopping cart/booking form.
- Discover if you need to improve your mobile site (all of the sites we design are for mobiles!)
- See what percentage of your visitors are new or returning.
All of this and more is available with a free account from Google Analytics. Too busy or not confident enough to read and analyze it for you?
Here’s how to setup your account today in Google Analytics for free:
PRO TIP: Once you are signed up you a UA code will be generated. Makes sure you give this to your website designer to add to the backend of your website.
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